Apache Module mod_auth_pg2

This module provides user authentication and logging for Apache via PostgreSQL database. It was rewritten from mod_auth_pgsql2 (Thanks to Giuseppe Tanzilli, I do not know Apache enough to write module from scratch fast, and has no time to learn Apache). Apart from mod_auth_pgsql module mod_auth_pg2 is reduced in size and complexity and provides far more functionality.

mod_auth_pg2 collects context (if exists), login and password as provided by user, caller's IP, URI, QUERY_STRING, protocol and call for configured PostgreSQL function to get some value. User is not authorised if thise value is NULL, and inserts this value in CREDENTIALS environment variable for use in CGI or SSI.

Down side of this authorisation module is passwords transmission to database, so channel beetween Apache and PostgreSQL must be as secure, as Apache itself.

All logic is coded in PostgreSQL - this can be creating user "on the fly", user tracking, credentials dependant on IP, logging and much more.

This page documents version 0.01 (2009-07-15) of mod_auth_pg2



Syntax: Auth_PG2_options connect string
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Status: Extension

Specifies an string to be passed to the PQconnectdb(). Refer to the PostgreSQL user manual for a description.


Syntax: Auth_PG2_function function name
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Status: Extension

Gives the name of the function which calculate credentials and returns NULL if access forbidden. This function can log accesses if need.


Syntax: Auth_PG2_context context name
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Status: Extension

Gives the name of the context. For service of independent authentification entries.


Syntax: Auth_PG_authoritative on or off
Context: directory, .htaccess
Override: AuthConfig
Status: Extension

This option is on by default. Turning it off will cause low level errors such a user not being found or a simple configuration error to fall through to other authentication directives which may be defined for this area. For example, if a parent directory has another authorization scheme and a user name is not found for the PostgreSQL scheme, the parent directory scheme will be given the chance to try and authenticate the user. Exercise caution when turning this option off. It can be a security risk. Can be used to use two authentication schemes for the same dir.


Here is an example .htaccess file you might use to enable PostgreSQL authentication:
          PostgreSQL trusted user:

          AuthName "My PostgreSQL Authenticator"
          AuthType basic

          Auth_PG2_function valid_users
          Auth_PG2_context staff

          <LIMIT GET POST>
              require valid-user
You can add
          Auth_PG2_options "host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres database=www"
if defaults are not successful.

Example of SQL function to autentificate:
         CREATE TABLE log_table
              ( context            name
              , login              name
              , IP_addr            inet
              , URI                text
              , query_string       text
              , protococol         name
         CREATE TABLE pass_table
              ( context            name
              , login              name
              , password           text
              , IP_addr            inet
              , write_permission_1 bool
              , some_permission_2  bool
         CREATE FUNCTION valid_users(name, name, text, inet, text, text, name) RETURNS oid
          AS 'INSERT INTO log_table VALUES($1, $2, $4, $5, $6, $7)
              SELECT oid FROM pass_table
               WHERE $4 <<= IP_addr
                 AND ($1, $2) = (context, login)
                 AND password = crypt($3, password)
          LANGUAGE 'sql' WITH(iscachable, isstrict)
There is no need to keep login unique.



First public release - 0.01